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Buku Teks
  1. Ader, H. J., & Mellenbergh, G. J. (Eds.). (1999). Research Methodology in the Social, Behavioural and Life Sciences: Designs, Models and Methods (1st edition). SAGE Publications
  2. Armstrong, J. S., & Green, K. C. (2022). The Scientific Method: A Guide to Finding Useful Knowledge. Cambridge University Press.
  3. Baker, D. C. (2019). Zotero for Genealogy-- Harnessing the Power of Your Research. Tuscaloosa, Alabama: Golden Channel Publishing
  4. Betz, F. (2010). Managing Science: Methodology and Organization of Research (2011th edition). Springer.
  5. Carey, S. S. (2011). A Beginner’s Guide to Scientific Method (4th edition). Cengage Learning.
  6. Diggle, P. J., & Chetwynd, A. G. (2011). Statistics and Scientific Method: An Introduction for Students and Researchers (1st edition). Oxford University Press.
  7. Gauch, Jr, H. G. (2012). Scientific Method in Brief (1st edition). Cambridge University Press.
  8. Hazen, R. M., & Trefil, J. (2009). Science Matters: Achieving Scientific Literacy (Revised edition). Anchor.
  9. Kosso, P. (2011). A Summary of Scientific Method (2011th edition). Springer.
  10. Kothari, S. R. (2009). Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. Oxford Book
  11. Kumar, R. (2010). Research Methodology: A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners. SAGE Publications
  12. Leavy, P. (2017). Research Design: Quantitative, Qualitative, Mixed Methods, Arts-Based, and Community-Based Participatory Research Approaches (1st edition). The Guilford Press.
  13. Levitin, D. J. (2019). A Field Guide to Lies: Critical Thinking with Statistics and the Scientific Method. Dutton.
  14. MacRitchie, F. (2018). The Need for Critical Thinking and the Scientific Method (1st edition). CRC Press.
  15. Pruzan, P. (2018). Research Methodology: The Aims, Practices and Ethics of Science (Softcover reprint of the original 1st ed. 2016 edition). Springer.
  16. Staddon, J. (2017). Scientific Method: How Science Works, Fails to Work, and Pretends to Work (1st edition). Routledge.
  17. Suriasumatri, J. S. (2005). Filsafat Ilmu: Sebuah Pengantar Populer. Pustaka Sinar Harapan.
  18. Tibbetts, G. G. (2012). How the Great Scientists Reasoned: The Scientific Method in Action (1st edition). Elsevier.
  19. Walliman, N. (2010). Research Methods: The Basics. Routledge.
  20. Zimring, J. C. (2019). What Science Is and How It Really Works (1st edition). Cambridge University Press.

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